These forceps have a 16 inch rotating shaft, and come complete with ...
This is the 10in shaft only, for yeoman biopsy forceps.
This is the 14 inch shaft only, for yeoman biopsy forceps.
These forceps are 10 inches, and straight.
These biopsy forceps are 8.5 inches, and feature an 8 x 3 mm bite. ...
These forceps are 4.2 x 2.3 mm, and have a 10 inch shaft as we ...
These cervical biopsy forceps feature a 9 inch shaft, pistol grip, and a ...
These forceps feature a 9 inch shaft, pistol grip, set screw, gold plate ...
These forceps are large, at 10 inches.
These forceps are 16 inches, and feature a rotating shaft as well as a r ...
These forceps are 10.5 inches, and feature a pointed jaw.