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Sonicator Plus 992 Combination Ultrasound Therapy

This combination therapy unit combines ultrasound with electrical stimulation into one compact package that functions for pain management, muscle spasm reduction, muscle rehabilitation and muscle strengthening.

Original price was: $5,573.57.Current price is: $4,128.57.


  • Utilizes two independent ontrols for IFC, which allows the clinician to cater to each individualโ€™s needs when it comes to pain
  • Built in protocols on this combination therapy unit are based on proven scientific research
  • Offers the highest quality and extremely effective safety features
  • Internal error codes are designed to recognize when there is a problem and alerts the clinician If a problem occurs, the 992 will stop working and present an error code for troubleshooting
  • In addition to the 6 waveforms, this unit also offers a dual frequency ultrasound that comes standard with a 5cm2 applicator
  • Ultrasound can be performed by itself or in combination with premod, medium frequency (Russian), biphasic, and hi-volt
  • Adding the direct crystal-to-patient contact and universal applicator cable makes the 992 an outstanding unit for combination therapy


  • Weight: 8.9 lbs
  • Dimensions: 5in H x 14.5in D x 10in L

Manufacturer warranty: 2 years on unit, 1 year on applicator and cable

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