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Orthopedic Products

12in Wraparound Knee Support - Large

12in Wraparound Knee Support - Large

Item# GRL-923TCSMM
Retail Price: $25.20
Your Price: $20.17
in stock Unit: single
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Spandex Knee Support with Straps

Spandex Knee Support with Straps

Item# 667TCSMM
Retail Price: $36.24
Your Price: $28.99
in stock Unit: single
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Wraparound Neoprene Knee Support

Wraparound Neoprene Knee Support

Item# 984ROCMM
Retail Price: $43.14
Your Price: $34.52
ships w/i 10-20 days
Unit: single
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Sooner or later in life, everyone will experience the downs as well as the ups of life. Occasionally these downs result in bodily injury which will require the use of an orthopedic products to aid in the healing process. A physician will guide the patient to the proper support devise for his ailment, but then it is up to the patient to follow through with that advise and find the right product for orthopedics, like a brace.


Injury and aging both lead to degradation of the joints and the need for orthopedic supplies. The constant wear and tear of daily living can reek havoc in people who have had prior injury or are genetically susceptible to getting arthritis. By the time a patient is arthritic, there is not much that can be done aside from pain management. This is why doctors want to treat injuries as soon as they occur, so that the healing process can be completed properly in the joint. Products for orthopedics, orthopedic surgeons and general practitioners can only do so much to get the patient back on his feet. Doctors can only set bones and prescribe pain medications and orthopedic products; while all a surgeon can do is do some mild internal reconstruction or even a complete replacement. In the end, though, the human body heals its own hurts by knitting and regrowing bone and muscles. To allow this to occur, the injured portion must be kept stable, through the use of a braces, splint, or cast.


Every joint that aches now has an orthopedic product to immobilize it while the body heals itself, and one of the most commonly injured is the knee; even though it is the heaviest and best protect joint in humans. Among orthopedic surgeries done, the knee is operated on most frequently. It is not surprising then, that one of the first things that people associate with orthopedic products are knee braces. A quick survey of the team benches at football games, from junior high through professional leagues, will reveal at least one or two players on each side sporting some sort of support for the knee. These players, by resting on the sidelines, are following the correct procedure to let their knee mend. They are resting it by not playing. While it is not in use, the knee is kept immobile with the use of a knee brace. If the injury occurs during the game, the spectator will watch as the medics put ice packs on the joint in addition to orthopedic products such as braces or wraps. Ice is used in joint injuries initially to reduce the swelling and numb the pain. After twenty four hours, the player will begin to apply heat pack instead of ice. Heat is used the next day because by then, the joint will not continue to swell, and heat draws blood to the site of the injury. In the blood are antibodies plasma that will hasten the healing process. Some doctors recommend alternating heat and ice after the first twenty four hours rather than solely using heat. Since advice can differ, a patient should always heed his physician rather than contemporary knowledge, especially in matters of medical care.


Orthopedic products can aide in the hastening of healing, but they, like any medical equipment, should always be used under the guidance of a physician. In doing so, the length of time and severity of pain suffered is ultimately lessened.


Whatever your requirements, you can find what you are looking for today in our online inventory.  If you have any questions or need assistance, call us toll-free at 1-877-706-4480. Our staff is ready to assist you.