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Disposable Medical Apparels

Polypropylene Shoe Covers

Polypropylene Shoe Covers

Item# 2002IRCMD
Retail Price: $51.81
Your Price: $37.38
in stock Unit: 300/case
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High-Cut,Tire-Tread, Non-Skid Shoe Covers (Regular)

High-Cut,Tire-Tread, Non-Skid Shoe Covers (Regular)

Item# B-SN0232VMAX
Retail Price: $36.00
Your Price: $30.45
ships w/i 20-25 days
Unit: 150 pair
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Non Skid Impervious Boot Covers Regular

Non Skid Impervious Boot Covers Regular

Item# 44172NONMD
Retail Price: $294.35
Your Price: $233.99
in stock Unit: 150/case
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The Key Advantages of Disposable Lab Coats


It’s time to get some work done. Slipping into those disposable lab coats, though, can make any project far less successful. When it comes down to it, these lab coats have an important job to do and they need to be reliable enough to last throughout the project. Yet, they can also be comfortable. When it is time to invest in new disposable lab coats for your medical facility, research lab, or hospital, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure the process goes smoothly and you get the coats that are right for your needs.


Disposable Is Best for Many Reasons


Today, numerous products are available for consumers to choose from whether you are a medical facility or a single doctor. Disposable offers numerous advantages over multiple use products.


*    They limit contamination risk considerably more so than any other type of product. There’s no risk of any type of contamination from outside environments.
*    They are safe and considered the ideal option for many research studies and lab studies. In short, they reduce the risk that your study will be sidelines for contamination risks. 
*    They are more cost effective products than those that need to be laundered when there is a biological factor considered such as infectious control.


Finding Lab Coats That Fit


Disposable lab coats are an important investment in every situation. How do you move in the lab? What are your biggest pain points when it comes to functioning well in these spaces? Your needs are unique to you but you can find lab coats, disposable or not, that can meet those challenges. When it comes to choosing them, you’ll want to look at some of the key features they offer to make sure they fit your specific needs.


*    What are they made from? Specifically, they need to be protective enough for the type of environment you are working in. They need to meet all regulatory requirements as well. And, they need be durable enough for the length of time you need to use them.
*    Are they comfortable? If you buy the right disposable style lab coats, you can find products that fit well and still meet your budget. The key is to look at the details. This includes the materials used in the coats.
*    Check those details closer. Some of the most important areas to look at include the wrists and collar. Are they knit? Are they comfortable? And, are they protective enough for the environment you are using them in?


In addition to these features, the disposable lab coat you need needs to be something you can rely on to keep you and your team safe even in some tough environments. Look for products that are easy to move in to minimize the risk of tears. Choose products that provide plenty of protection around key areas like the neck and wrist. And, be sure they are easy to snap on and remove.